( The film, which chronicles Kelly's retirement from Hollywood and adjustment to life as a European princess, is labeled as a fictional account inspired by real events.) (这部电影讲述了Kelly从好莱坞退出后作为一位欧洲公主适应生活的故事,被称为是一部受到现实启发的虚构故事。)
Price adjustment provisions applying to the period of execution of the contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation. 合同执行期内适用的价格调整条款在评标中不予以考虑。
But a substantial depreciation has contributed much less to the adjustment of the current account than most would have expected. 但大幅贬值下英国经常账户的调整幅度,远低于多数人的预期。
In that case, the adjustment usually goes along with an improvement in the current account position. 在这种情况下,调整通常伴随着经常账户状况的改善。
In the meantime, the inevitable adjustment towards current account deficits in the emerging world is being shifted on to countries that are both attractive to capital inflows and unwilling or unable to intervene in the currency markets on the needed scale. 与此同时,新兴国家向着经常账户赤字方向、不可避免的调整,正转移至那些对资金流入具有吸引力、同时又不愿(或无力)对外汇市场实施必要规模干预的国家。
The failure to achieve a big adjustment in the current account is deeply troubling. 经常账户未能实现大幅度调整令人深感不安。
An exchange rate adjustment not only stabilizes the current account but also will increase the share of export in domestic output. 例如调整汇率不仅可使经常帐户稳定,还能提高国内产品的出口比例。
ALTIMETER SETTING, The adjustment of the altimeter to account for local variations in atmospheric pressure. 高度表设定,根据当地大气压力变化而对高度表所做的调整。
The taxation system in 21st century focuses on the sustainable development, which requires adjustment of the prevailing taxation system. The important aspect is the ecological tax system model to account for a certain position in the existing tax system. 21世纪的税制将是以可持续发展为核心的税制,现行税制也必将按可持续发展观点进行调整,其重要的内容就是生态税制模式将在现行税制体系中占一定地位。
The structure adjustment of the bulk carrier fleet is a problem that the ship operators must take into account since it is of vital importance to the long-term development of the related enterprises. 远洋散货船队(其它船队也一样)的结构调整问题是每一个船舶经营者都必须考虑和面对的问题,因为它与企业的生存和长远发展息息相关。
Among the newly added structure of cultivated land, reclamation of abandoned land is the main source of cultivated land increase at present, and the adjustment of agricultural structure is the second, which respectively account for 71.92% and 21.88% of the total increased cultivated land. 新增加的耕地构成中,开荒仍是目前耕地增加的主要来源,其次是农业结构调整,二者分别占耕地总增加量的71.92%和21.88%。
Account policy change and account estimation are the main contents about account adjustment in the new enterprise rules of account. 会计政策变更和会计估计变更是新《企业会计制度》中关于会计调整的主要内容。
Starting with two models of the dynamic adjustment, two models of second order optimal design are proposed by taking into account the criteria of precision, cost and reliability. 基于动态平差模型,应用多指标动态规划工具建立了两种同时顾及精度,费用和可靠性准则的二类优化设计模型。
Therefore, resource allotment and strategic adjustment for state-owned commercial banks can be taken into account from the urban economy circle, and a higher level of regional coordination can be obtained between state-owned commercial banks, establishing central branch of urban economy circle. 为此,可力求从都市经济圈的层面考虑国有商业银行的资源配置和战略调整,谋求国有商业银行的区域协调达到更高的层次,设立都市经济圈中心分行。
The second is proper adjustment on income statement and balance sheet, removing the distortion of different account dealings on profit of after-tax and input capital value. 二是对损益表和资产负债表进行了适当的调整,消除了不同会计处理方法对税后净营业利润和投入资本数值的扭曲。
Since EVA index has not been widely applied in China, and the complicated accountant adjustment is difficult for the public to understand and accept, it is suggested that relevant departments should regulate the adjustment of EVA, and show it in account reports. 由于EVA指标在中国的应用并不是很广泛,其复杂的会计调整也很难让大众理解和接受,建议有关部门能规范一下EVA的调整,并且能够在会计报告中显示。
A Simple Method of Retroactive Adjustment of the Account of the Long Term Investment of Shares 长期股权投资追溯调整账务处理简便方法
The five evaluating indexes which take risk into account have high correlation with funds 'performance ranking, and the ranking order based on the earning rate which does not consider risk adjustment is also highly relative to those based on taking risk into account. 经过风险调整的五种评价指标对基金业绩的排序结果高度相关,不考虑风险调整的收益率指标对基金业绩排序结果与考虑风险因素的排序结果也有高度的相关性。
Multi-debts and triangle debts are solved by the adjustment of account subjects, concealing and transferring. 对于三角债和多角债,通过调整账务科目冲抵、核销或化转。
To combining the information with filter, three additional data processing modules, including preprocessing of sensor measurements, the model-set adjustment, optimization of filtering output, are taken into account. 为了将这些先验信息与估计器融合,在传统跟踪器的基础上,新增了量测值预处理、模型调整、输出优化三个模块。
Basing on the corresponding relationship between reservoir quality type and the control factors of remaining oil occurrence, from the view of plane and vertical it put forward the exploration and injection-production development adjustment scheme on account of different control factors of remaining oil. 基于对不同品质油藏与剩余油产状及控制因素的对应关系,分别从平面上和垂向上提出针对不同剩余油控制因素的挖潜措施和注采开发调整对策。
Thus, the design of the filter inductance ensures and optimizes the quality of the waveform, with the dynamic properties of the system, the rate of load adjustment, volume, weight, audio, noise and other factors taken into account. 因此滤波电感的设计在保证输出电压的波形质量的基础上,综合考虑系统的动态特性、负载的调整率、体积重量以及音频噪声等因素对其进行优化。
Satellite tracking principle is the basis for the entire system development, software design in addition to taking into account the attitude of satellite receiving antenna adjustment and control, but also taking into account different satellite reception time between the conflicts. 卫星跟踪原理是整个系统研制的基础,软件的设计除了要考虑到卫星接收天线的姿态调整和控制,还要考虑不同卫星之间在接收时间上的冲突。